The CERTA-UAB is accredited by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ, as a TECNIO technology developer.
Specializes in innovation and knowledge transfer in the area of agri-food
What we offer
Our team build-up of researchers and professionals in food technology with consolidated experience in industrial food processes allows us to face any challenge.
Obtaining conservable liquid foods at room temperature and stable without additives. Ultra-High pressure homogeneization treatment (UHPH)
The UHPH system is a new technology based on the same principles as homogenization, but with pressures up to 400 MPa.
Development of low in fat cheese with improved organiloptic characteristics
Use of new technologies such as high hydrostatic pressure and ultra-high pressure homogenization (UHPH) to modify milk...
Preservation of foods by Hight Hydrostatic Pressure without modificing organoleptic characteristics
The system is based on applying high pressures (100-1000 MPa) to food evenly. Thus, the technology allows the preservation...
Valuation of sub-products
The agri-food industry produces a high volume of rejection that cannot be directly marketed, but contains potentially valuable ingredients.
Development and evaluation of bakery and bakery products
We offer the knowledge and facilities to develop, optimize, characterize and evaluate bakery and pastry products, included in gluten-free products.
Online sensors for quality control of meat and derivative products
The variability of meat sources, as well as the composition and technological properties of the portions, make the industries control the process...
Coagulation activity
The coagulation activity in commercial rennet is determined by the reference methods of the International Dairy Federation based...
Evaluation, planning, design and conduct of studies with pathographic microorganisms, markers or alterators
Experimental laboratory tests designed to mimic the processing conditions of the industry and their subsequent handling during storage are planned...
A panel of university professionals and food technology professionals can prepare specific courses to support theoretical and practical training...