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UV C Demo

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a simple, affordable and promising non-thermal technology for food processing. Among the UV spectral regions, UV-C (200-280 nm) is an emerging technology for the elimination of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms by damaging their genetic material or DNA. In addition, UV-C radiation is approved by the FDA for surface decontamination of food products (FDA, 2011) and also for juices and dairy products by the FDA, Health Canada and by the European EFSA. Process parameters such as intensity, dose, exposure time, UV-C reactor/cabin used, characteristics of microorganisms and food properties, are the effective factors in the UV-C process. By using this technology, the shelf life of food products can be increased due to the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms and reduction of the initial microbial load, providing food safety.

The main objective of the UV C Demo project has been the transfer of know-how of UV-C technology to the Catalan agri-food sector, in order to obtain microbiologically safe liquid foods with perfectly preserved organoleptic characteristics. For the Catalan agri-food industry, the adoption of this technology also represents the opportunity to develop highly innovative foods that will allow them to differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Technology applicable to liquid and pumpable foods including dairy or dairy-based foods, fruit juices, vegetable beverages, musts and wines, and liquid food supplements or animal or plant extracts with heat-sensitive bioactive compounds

CERTA offers to companies the possibility to test UV-C technology and compare it with conventional thermal technologies. In addition, characterization and evolution studies of different indicators during storage can be carried out.

With the financing support of

Activity financed through the 01:02:01 Technology Transfer operation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2022